Joanie Solaini
“We live in a singing Universe. Everything is vibrating all the time, at all different levels, and we are part of that. We sing with our own rhythms and cycles, from minuscule cellular processes to the ebb and flow of respiration, to monthly cycles to the larger arc of our life spans. The cosmos too, is vibrating and we can tune in, and look to larger structures for clues as to how to balance and to evolve. We can attune to these frequencies, and feel the connection to the supportive matrix around us, finding depth and meaning in every stage of our lives.”
Joanie Solaini is a Certified Acutonics® Practitioner working with humans and horses, a Licensed Acutonics® Teacher bringing the full Acutonics® certification curriculum to the UK and Europe, and is a European distributor for all Acutonics® sound tools. Joanie’s Acutonics® studies were undertaken at the mothership in Llano, New Mexico with Donna Carey, LAc, PhD, and Ellen Franklin, PhD.
Modalities she has studied and integrated with her Acutonics® practice include Acupuncture CertAcHAC (Healing and Acupuncture College, Jamie Hedger), Reiki Master (Linda Kinsella), Equine Structural Integration (Equine School of Light and Sound, Patty Warren), NSEV Non-Somatic Extraordinary Vessel training with Dan Nevel, and Transformative Medicine—psychosomatic medicine, the work of Ruediger Dahlke (Center for a New Mainstream, Carol Greenhouse, Ruediger Dahlke).
Besides wielding sound tools, she also makes them, studying the pounding and forging of singing bowls and gongs and other sound tools with master-of-the-craft, Ton Akkermans. A life as a classical musician (BA Music, University of Southern California) and legal academia (LLB, LLM University of Southampton) are back in the mists of time somewhere. She teaches predominantly in the UK and Europe, and has an integrative practice with humans and horses in Wiltshire, UK.