Acutonics Fundamentals of Oriental Medicine
to Mar 28

Acutonics Fundamentals of Oriental Medicine

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Level 1 Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics prior to taking this course.

  • 3-Day course running from 9am to 6pm each day

  • Can be taken as a single module for £420

  • Or combined with Energetics of Points and Meridians as an intensive 6-day course (24-26, 28-30 March) for £750

Acutonics Fundamentals of Oriental Medicine

This class is designed to help Acutonics students without training in East Asian Medicine to expand their understanding of the energetic perspective of East Asian medicine as it relates to the nature and flow of energy in the body and the organs and substances of the body. Other topics covered include the Yin/Yang organ relationships, curious organs, Five Shen, Three Treasures and causes of disease.

The class also provides insights into the Taoist view of Qi, the functions of the organs, and understanding to inform choices and strategies for treatment.

This course is required for all new students without East Asian medicine training. It should be taken prior to Points and Meridians. We encourage students to take Acutonics I & II first, to understand at a deeper level how East Asian medicine informs our full curriculum.

Required for Associate Acutonics Practitioner certification, if a student is not trained in East Asian Medicine.

Prerequisites: Acutonics Level I: Sound Gates to Meridian Harmonics, and Acutonics Level II: Higher Harmonics and the Inner Nature of Tone.

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Acutonics Level 1
to Jun 26

Acutonics Level 1

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • 3 Day class which runs from 9am - 6pm

  • Can be taken as a stand alone module for £390

  • OR can be combined with Level 2 as a 6-day intensive (24-26 & 27-29 June) for £700

  • No prerequisites for this class


This foundational class introduces you to the philosophy and cosmology of the Acutonics integrative care methodology, while illuminating its scientific and mystical roots. The class explores the cross-cultural use of sound and its healing potential, the relationship between the human body and sound, and how we can use acupuncture points and energy meridians as pathways for vibrational healing. We help you develop your clinical skills by exploring a wide variety of physical, psychological and spiritual conditions. In addition, we examine the concepts of cellular memory, sound imprinting, and the role of the Kidney as the guardian of our primordial Qi, all within the context of an Eastern medical model. The course also introduces the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, which provide a powerful therapeutic gateway for sound vibration. 

You will learn how to apply precision-calibrated tuning forks, using Acutonics Earth/Moon Professional and Solar 7th Sets. An introduction to the principals of the Five Elements helps you develop an understanding of the relationship of these tools to the cycles of nature, the organ and meridian systems, the emotional body, and the archetypal qualities of the heavenly bodies. You will also learn to implement effective treatment protocols using the Extraordinary Vessels, the Microcosmic Orbit, the Window to the Sky points, the Three Treasures, and other points rich in therapeutic benefits.  

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Acutonics Level 6
to Oct 27

Acutonics Level 6

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Levels 1 - 4 prior to taking this course

  • 2 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £260

  • Or combined with Level 7 as an intensive 5-day course (23-25 & 26-27 October) for £595


This class provides an in-depth opportunity to explore and synthesize case studies for a variety of complex conditions. We will discuss the theory, method, intention, creativity, sound healing research and practical skills that come together in clinical practice as an  Acutonics Integrative Medicine practitioner. You will have the opportunity to respond to instructor-presented cases as well as present your own case studies, share clinical stories, techniques and a range of diagnostic approaches with your colleagues.

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Acutonics Level 7
to Oct 25

Acutonics Level 7

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Levels 1 - 4 prior to taking this course

  • 3 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £390

  • Or combined with Level 6 as an 6 day intensive (23-25 & 26-27 October) for £595


This course examines the textures of disease and the pathology of many of the most current and least understood illnesses of our time. We will explore the epistemology and etiology of a disease from an Eastern and Western biomedical model, and examine common pathologies encountered in clinical practice. You will learn treatment protocols using Acutonics Integrative Medicine to balance and harmonize the disease process.

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Acutonics Level 5
to Sep 21

Acutonics Level 5

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Levels 1 - 4 prior to taking this course

  • 2 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £260

  • Or combined with Level 9 as an intensive 6-day course (17-19 & 20-21 September) for £635


This class is designed to deepen our awareness of the energetic relationship that is shared between a client and a practitioner. What does it mean to create an energetic container-- or sacred space-- that enhances the ability to establish and maintain healthy energetic  boundaries and appropriate connections in the therapeutic environment. Regardless of background, experience, or prior ethics training, this class is designed to stimulate discussions on a number of topics that relate to clinical practice and how to address these sometimes complex and challenging issues with grace. 

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Acutonics Level 9
to Sep 19

Acutonics Level 9

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Levels 1 - 4 prior to taking this course

  • 3 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £450

  • Or combined with Level 5 as an intensive 6-day course (17-19 & 20-21 September) for £635


This advanced course provides you with a vehicle to explore the many faces and attributes of the Planet Sedna. This newly discovered planet has deep ties to indigenous cultures, Hopi and Mayan prophecy, the Inuit, and the taproot of Oriental Medicine. Sedna acts as a superconductor, representing non-duality, super-creativity, paradigm shifts and synchronicity. You will learn about the science, morphology, mythology and archetype of Sedna, and the key healing themes that unfold for humans, animals, the environment and the planet. The class also examines the latest theories in physics, pole shifts, and astrobiology. You will learn new intervals that use the Acutonics Sedna Tuning Fork Set as a new fundamental or home tone that supports highly transformational journeys. This class provides an opportunity to deepen and synthesize previous teachings while expanding your understanding of the application of tuning forks to the Extraordinary Vessels, points and meridians.

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Make Your Own Singing Bowl
to Aug 9

Make Your Own Singing Bowl

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • 4 Day workshop running from 10am to 5pm.

  • £450 for the workshop including vegetarian lunch and teas/coffees.

  • Material costs are additional.

With Ton Akkermans and Carolina Schomper

14650227_1555712787777997_8963177600595904306_n-1 (1).jpg

A wonderful opportunity to make your own singing bowl. Working with intention, you will cute, file, fire, pound and polish your “sound bowl”, producing a jewel of an instrument to cherish forever.

All tools are provided and no previous skill needed. Reconnect with the rhythm of working with your hands in the outdoors. Learn about sound and the history of singing bowls.

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Acutonics Level 4
to Jul 2

Acutonics Level 4

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken levels 1 - 3 prior to taking this course

  • 3 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £390

  • Or combined with Level 3 as an intensive 7 day course (25-28 June & 30 June -2 July) for £815


This advanced class synthesizes concepts from previous levels by offering new insights into the scientific and psychological impact of sound and vibration. We discuss the relevance of dynamic rather than static models in science, culture and health care, introducing universal laws and principals, time-space synchronization, and theories in physics that address the bridge between mind and matter. We discuss Western conceptions of synchronicity developed by C.G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli alongside Eastern conceptions of the relationships between psyche, synchronicity and the Tao. Binary star systems, precessional cycles and ancient civilizations provide a context in which to understand the history, relevance and physiological implications of Nibiru, the Planet of the Crossroads, one of the most potent frequencies used by advanced Acutonics practitioners. The history and science of asteroids, meteors and comets provides a foundation for the introduction of the archetypal qualities and healing attributes of the asteroid goddesses: Ceres, Pallas Athena, Vesta, and Juno.

Through extensive hands-on experience you will broaden your understanding of the interplanetary intervals and learn how to integrate Acutonics® Chiron, Nibiru and Asteroid Sets into clinical practice for advanced applications in a clinical setting. You will continue to work in teams—conducting assessments, planning and delivering in-depth treatments that incorporate interplanetary intervals and a range of advanced sound layering techniques on and over acupuncture points.

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Acutonics Level 3
to Jun 28

Acutonics Level 3

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Level 1 & 2 prior to taking this course

  • 4 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £520

  • Or combined with Level 4 as an intensive 7-day course (25-28 & 30 June - 2 July) for £815


This advanced training provides an in-depth exploration of archetypes, cross-cultural myths, astronomy and planetary frequencies applied to points and meridians, exploring the more ancient beliefs and traditions of Each Asian Medicine. Beginning with an exploration of Taoist concepts of the Heavens, the Wu Qi, the Three Pure Ones and the Five Forces, you will gain a deeper understanding of sacred anatomy, the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and our Celestial Stems and Terrestrial Branches. We also explore the role of story, myth and archetype with their physiological and psychological implications to inform treatment approaches. Working in teams, you will conduct assessments to plan and deliver in-depth treatments that incorporate tuning forks, hand chimes and essential oils. You will have the opportunity to develop your therapeutic skills of client assessment, treatment planning and more sophisticated sound layering on and over acupuncture points.

This comprehensive class introduces you to the Acutonics Planetary Mid-Frequency Tuning Fork and Acutonics Chiron Sets, the Planetary Gongs, the Acutonics Planetary Hand Chimes, and the Acutonics Harmonic Essentials Planetary Oils.

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Acutonics Level 2
to Mar 31

Acutonics Level 2

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Level 1 prior to taking this course

  • 3 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £390

  • Or combined with Level 1 as an intensive 6-day course (26-28 & 29-31 March) for £700


This class expands your knowledge of musical intervals and explores how to "layer" sound on and above acupuncture points. We deepen your appreciation of the cosmic nature of healing as we investigate the importance of the water element in its correspondence to the Kidney, the concept of the Music of the Spheres, the Pole Star, the cycles of Nature, the balance between Yin and Yang, and the spiritual and ancient wisdom traditions contained within Taoist and Bon philosophy. We delve into a deeper understanding of the Five Elements, the Eight Principals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Three Treasures, the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and principal and Ashi points. The importance of listening and understanding clients' narratives and the embedded archetypes are examined in the context of developing more sophisticated treatment strategies. 

You will learn to balance, release and transform disharmonies in the meridian and organ systems as you continue to practice with the Earth/Moon Professional and Solar 7th Sets and learn to use Earth/Moon/Sun High-Frequency Set. You will learn more about sounds layering through the integration of tuning forks with indigenous sound healing tools from ancient cross-cultural traditions as you learn how to use Tibetan bowls, tingshas, bells, flutes and drums on and above acupuncture points and in the body's energy field. 

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Acutonics Level 1
to Mar 28

Acutonics Level 1

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • 3 Day class which runs from 9am - 6pm

  • Can be taken as a stand alone module for £390

  • OR can be combined with Level 2 as a 6-day intensive (26-28 & 29-31 March) for £700

  • No prerequisites for this class


This foundational class introduces you to the philosophy and cosmology of the Acutonics integrative care methodology, while illuminating its scientific and mystical roots. The class explores the cross-cultural use of sound and its healing potential, the relationship between the human body and sound, and how we can use acupuncture points and energy meridians as pathways for vibrational healing. We help you develop your clinical skills by exploring a wide variety of physical, psychological and spiritual conditions. In addition, we examine the concepts of cellular memory, sound imprinting, and the role of the Kidney as the guardian of our primordial Qi, all within the context of an Eastern medical model. The course also introduces the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, which provide a powerful therapeutic gateway for sound vibration. 

You will learn how to apply precision-calibrated tuning forks, using Acutonics Earth/Moon Professional and Solar 7th Sets. An introduction to the principals of the Five Elements helps you develop an understanding of the relationship of these tools to the cycles of nature, the organ and meridian systems, the emotional body, and the archetypal qualities of the heavenly bodies. You will also learn to implement effective treatment protocols using the Extraordinary Vessels, the Microcosmic Orbit, the Window to the Sky points, the Three Treasures, and other points rich in therapeutic benefits.  

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Acutonics Elective:  Introduction to Oriental Medicine
to Feb 3

Acutonics Elective: Introduction to Oriental Medicine

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Levels 1 prior to taking this course

  • 2 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Cost for this module is £390

Acutonics Elective: Introduction to Oriental Medicine

This in-depth course explores acupuncture points and their energetic relationship to the corresponding organ systems. The class provides an integrated format of lecture and hands-on location, deepening the understanding of the core principles of Oriental Medicine and Acutonics Integrative Medicine.

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Acutonics Level 6
to Nov 10

Acutonics Level 6

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Levels 1 - 4 prior to taking this course

  • 2 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £250

  • Or combined with Level 7 as an intensive 5-day course (6 - 10 November 2019)


This class provides an in-depth opportunity to explore and synthesize case studies for a variety of complex conditions. We will discuss the theory, method, intention, creativity, sound healing research and practical skills that come together in clinical practice as an  Acutonics Integrative Medicine practitioner. You will have the opportunity to respond to instructor-presented cases as well as present your own case studies, share clinical stories, techniques and a range of diagnostic approaches with your colleagues.

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Acutonics Level 7
to Nov 8

Acutonics Level 7

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Levels 1 - 4 prior to taking this course

  • 3 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £375

  • Or combined with Level 6 as an 6 day intensive for £565


This course examines the textures of disease and the pathology of many of the most current and least understood illnesses of our time. We will explore the epistemology and etiology of a disease from an Eastern and Western biomedical model, and examine common pathologies encountered in clinical practice. You will learn treatment protocols using Acutonics Integrative Medicine to balance and harmonize the disease process.

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Elective - Unwinding Trauma: Acutonics®, The Eight Extraordinary Vessels and Fibonacci
to Oct 20

Elective - Unwinding Trauma: Acutonics®, The Eight Extraordinary Vessels and Fibonacci

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • This class was developed and is taught by Acutonics co-founder Ellen F. Franklin, PhD

  • 2 Day class which runs from 9am - 6pm

  • The price for this module is £250



“Music creates order out of chaos; for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous.”

— Yehudi Menuhin

The Eight Extraordinary Vessels provide a gateway to psycho-emotional health and expanded consciousness. They facilitate,link and bridge the physical, energetic and emotional structures of the body, and offer an exceptional way to address trauma. Trauma affects our lives on all levels, impacting relationships within families, work environments, ethnic groups, societies, and the natural world.  Trauma is at the root of disease. Getting to the substrate of where we carry trauma, and to address and unwind it, can allow for remarkable release—revealing more of our essential nature.

 In this two-day elective, we will explore the different levels of trauma and deepen our knowledge of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels and other key points that are excellent to treat trauma and unwind the patterns that limit us whether familial, cultural or environmental. You will be introduced to the Acutonics Ohm® Fibonacci tuning forks, which follow a sequence of numbers that is a never-ending spiral of movement, the sacred geometry at the foundation of life, that provides a powerful aid in the transition of limiting patterns. We will explore sound-layering as a vehicle to promote harmony and health and the unification of the three levels of healing - emotional, physical and spiritual.Through lecture, class discussion and clinical practicum, incorporating the use of Acutonics® planetary and Acutonics Ohm® Fibonacci tuning forks, we will explore ways to gently but deeply access and address trauma that is so prevalent in our practices and personal lives today.    

Acutonics Integrative Medicine incorporates the knowledge of sacred geometry at its very core in utilizing the sound frequencies of the planets and heavenly spheres along acupuncture points and meridians that are part of the physical body. In this two-day elective you will deepen your knowledge of sacred geometry, the Fibonacci sequence (how it relates to all of life) and the history, origins, and development of the Fibonacci Process™. You will gain experience in the use of the Acutonics Fibonacci tuning forks, on the chakras and Eight Extraordinary Meridians, as you gain knowledge and insights into the appropriate use of these powerful tools in clinical practice.

Ellen F. Franklin, PhD

Dr. Ellen F. Franklin is co-founder of the Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine, LLC. For more than 20 years she has been involved in developing and teaching programs in sound therapy rooted in Classical Chinese Medicine, depth psychology, and science. She is co-author of Acutonics from Galaxies to Cells, Planetary Science, Harmony and Medicine, the author of numerous articles, and a regular contributor to Oriental Medicine Journal. An avid photographer, she has contributed her work to Donna Carey’s poetry collection Traveler’s Advisoryand Days of Endless Capture. Ellen received her Certificate in Jungian Studies and her PhD in Psychology from Saybrook University. Her doctoral research focused on self-care with Acutonics to reduce severe stress and compassion fatigue in nurses.

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Make Your Own Singing Bowl
to Sep 29

Make Your Own Singing Bowl

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • 4 Day workshop running from 9am to 6pm.

  • £450 for the workshop including vegetarian lunch and teas/coffees.

  • Material costs are additional.

With Ton Akkermans and Carolina Schomper

14650227_1555712787777997_8963177600595904306_n-1 (1).jpg

A wonderful opportunity to make your own singing bowl. Working with intention, you will cute, file, fire, pound and polish your “sound bowl”, producing a jewel of an instrument to cherish forever.

All tools are provided and no previous skill needed. Reconnect with the rhythm of working with your hands in the outdoors. Learn about sound and the history of singing bowls.

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Acutonics Level 5
to Aug 19

Acutonics Level 5

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Levels 1 - 4 prior to taking this course

  • 2 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £250

  • Or combined with Level 9 as an intensive 6-day course (15 - 19 August) for £565


This class is designed to deepen our awareness of the energetic relationship that is shared between a client and a practitioner. What does it mean to create an energetic container-- or sacred space-- that enhances the ability to establish and maintain healthy energetic  boundaries and appropriate connections in the therapeutic environment. Regardless of background, experience, or prior ethics training, this class is designed to stimulate discussions on a number of topics that relate to clinical practice and how to address these sometimes complex and challenging issues with grace. 

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Acutonics Level 9
to Aug 17

Acutonics Level 9

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Levels 1 - 4 prior to taking this course

  • 3 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £375

  • Or combined with Level 5 as an intensive 6-day course ( 15 - 19 August) for £565


This advanced course provides you with a vehicle to explore the many faces and attributes of the Planet Sedna. This newly discovered planet has deep ties to indigenous cultures, Hopi and Mayan prophecy, the Inuit, and the taproot of Oriental Medicine. Sedna acts as a superconductor, representing non-duality, super-creativity, paradigm shifts and synchronicity. You will learn about the science, morphology, mythology and archetype of Sedna, and the key healing themes that unfold for humans, animals, the environment and the planet. The class also examines the latest theories in physics, pole shifts, and astrobiology. You will learn new intervals that use the Acutonics Sedna Tuning Fork Set as a new fundamental or home tone that supports highly transformational journeys. This class provides an opportunity to deepen and synthesize previous teachings while expanding your understanding of the application of tuning forks to the Extraordinary Vessels, points and meridians.

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Acutonics Level 4
to Jul 27

Acutonics Level 4

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken levels 1 - 3 prior to taking this course

  • 3 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £375

  • Or combined with Level 3 as an intensive 7 day course (20 - 23 & 25 - 27 July) for £785


This advanced class synthesizes concepts from previous levels by offering new insights into the scientific and psychological impact of sound and vibration. We discuss the relevance of dynamic rather than static models in science, culture and health care, introducing universal laws and principals, time-space synchronization, and theories in physics that address the bridge between mind and matter. We discuss Western conceptions of synchronicity developed by C.G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli alongside Eastern conceptions of the relationships between psyche, synchronicity and the Tao. Binary star systems, precessional cycles and ancient civilizations provide a context in which to understand the history, relevance and physiological implications of Nibiru, the Planet of the Crossroads, one of the most potent frequencies used by advanced Acutonics practitioners. The history and science of asteroids, meteors and comets provides a foundation for the introduction of the archetypal qualities and healing attributes of the asteroid goddesses: Ceres, Pallas Athena, Vesta, and Juno.

Through extensive hands-on experience you will broaden your understanding of the interplanetary intervals and learn how to integrate Acutonics® Chiron, Nibiru and Asteroid Sets into clinical practice for advanced applications in a clinical setting. You will continue to work in teams—conducting assessments, planning and delivering in-depth treatments that incorporate interplanetary intervals and a range of advanced sound layering techniques on and over acupuncture points.

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Acutonics Level 3
to Jul 23

Acutonics Level 3

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Level 1 & 2 prior to taking this course

  • 4 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £475

  • Or combined with Level 4 as an intensive 7-day course (20 - 23 & 25 - 27 July) for £785


This advanced training provides an in-depth exploration of archetypes, cross-cultural myths, astronomy and planetary frequencies applied to points and meridians, exploring the more ancient beliefs and traditions of Each Asian Medicine. Beginning with an exploration of Taoist concepts of the Heavens, the Wu Qi, the Three Pure Ones and the Five Forces, you will gain a deeper understanding of sacred anatomy, the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and our Celestial Stems and Terrestrial Branches. We also explore the role of story, myth and archetype with their physiological and psychological implications to inform treatment approaches. Working in teams, you will conduct assessments to plan and deliver in-depth treatments that incorporate tuning forks, hand chimes and essential oils. You will have the opportunity to develop your therapeutic skills of client assessment, treatment planning and more sophisticated sound layering on and over acupuncture points.

This comprehensive class introduces you to the Acutonics Planetary Mid-Frequency Tuning Fork and Acutonics Chiron Sets, the Planetary Gongs, the Acutonics Planetary Hand Chimes, and the Acutonics Harmonic Essentials Planetary Oils.

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Acutonics Level 2
to Jun 22

Acutonics Level 2

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • It is required to have taken Level 1 prior to taking this course

  • 3 Day course running from 9am to 6pm

  • Can be taken as a single module for £375

  • Or combined with Level 1 as an intensive 6-day course (16 - 18 June and 20 - 22 June) for £675


This class expands your knowledge of musical intervals and explores how to "layer" sound on and above acupuncture points. We deepen your appreciation of the cosmic nature of healing as we investigate the importance of the water element in its correspondence to the Kidney, the concept of the Music of the Spheres, the Pole Star, the cycles of Nature, the balance between Yin and Yang, and the spiritual and ancient wisdom traditions contained within Taoist and Bon philosophy. We delve into a deeper understanding of the Five Elements, the Eight Principals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Three Treasures, the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and principal and Ashi points. The importance of listening and understanding clients' narratives and the embedded archetypes are examined in the context of developing more sophisticated treatment strategies. 

You will learn to balance, release and transform disharmonies in the meridian and organ systems as you continue to practice with the Earth/Moon Professional and Solar 7th Sets and learn to use Earth/Moon/Sun High-Frequency Set. You will learn more about sounds layering through the integration of tuning forks with indigenous sound healing tools from ancient cross-cultural traditions as you learn how to use Tibetan bowls, tingshas, bells, flutes and drums on and above acupuncture points and in the body's energy field. 

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Acutonics Level 1
to Jun 18

Acutonics Level 1

  • near Salisbury United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • 3 Day class which runs from 9am - 6pm

  • Can be taken as a stand alone module for £375

  • OR can be combined with Level 2 as a 6-day intensive (16 - 22 June) for £675

  • No prerequisites for this class


This foundational class introduces you to the philosophy and cosmology of the Acutonics integrative care methodology, while illuminating its scientific and mystical roots. The class explores the cross-cultural use of sound and its healing potential, the relationship between the human body and sound, and how we can use acupuncture points and energy meridians as pathways for vibrational healing. We help you develop your clinical skills by exploring a wide variety of physical, psychological and spiritual conditions. In addition, we examine the concepts of cellular memory, sound imprinting, and the role of the Kidney as the guardian of our primordial Qi, all within the context of an Eastern medical model. The course also introduces the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, which provide a powerful therapeutic gateway for sound vibration. 

You will learn how to apply precision-calibrated tuning forks, using Acutonics Earth/Moon Professional and Solar 7th Sets. An introduction to the principals of the Five Elements helps you develop an understanding of the relationship of these tools to the cycles of nature, the organ and meridian systems, the emotional body, and the archetypal qualities of the heavenly bodies. You will also learn to implement effective treatment protocols using the Extraordinary Vessels, the Microcosmic Orbit, the Window to the Sky points, the Three Treasures, and other points rich in therapeutic benefits.  

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